- 2020-04-16 04:06:00 +0000
I have been working lately on doing contests in my spare time when not working on websites for the recent nonprofits that I am working on. I took myself over to my original design site I started looking for work on 99designs and found a contest for a travel agency website that wanted ideas.
I made a travel agency website before some months back while working with an agency and wanted to update it design for a more modern audience this time around. So I found this contest on the website and thought to myself, why not make this website redesign and get my feet wet a little right?
So here is the original website design that I had made a while back as a redesign mockup for a local travel agency in Denver, CO.
I saw that some flaws were there in the design such as the following:
- The header image was a bit too oversized and could use a more subtle tone
- The whitespace was nice but might need to be better when it comes to the overall feel of the website
- The font was a bit too much with the colors - the colors were tropical and had a nice colorful vibe but not for something simple
- Because of the images it was a bit too overbearing and could use a bit of a pull back for the text to takeover at times
So I took to the drawing board and came up with some new ideas for the contest I wanted to try and made it a bit more subtle and worked with the words. The best parts of it was the use of the interactive features I placed into it with the use of Adobe XD. It was hard before with Photoshop as I had to say what things would do, but with XD I am now able to show how I want the site to operate to a client ahead of time to give an easier view (the inner design and dev geek in me came out there).
So I didn’t really make it to the final round with my design but that doesn’t mean it is not a liked website design. So I will be making this as a template in HTML and Jekyll later if anyone would like to use it for their own project.
In the meantime, you can view the full interactive demo of the homepage here.